The company's main expertise consists of proposing solutions for garments manufacturing, in order to improve performance and make savings. This expertise, locally recognized by the apparel industry has been transferred in a strategic way to other markets as well.
High-growth markets represent new opportunities for Ocean State. The long-term objective is to retain the preeminent position and good reputation in the automotive sector.
To ensure expertise and optimal performance over the years the Research and Development poles have tended to evolve towards increased specialization, either by market or by technology or by performance.
To counter-balance this growing specialization and to prevent any partitioning of innovations, strong connections and exchange tools have been developed such as in house coordination systems. Their main objectives are the sharing of ideas and transferring skills between the different poles.
Besides mandatory certifications and technical or environmental labels, Ocean State focuses on an essential goal: recognition and satisfaction of its customers.
In this regard, prestigious certifications regularly praise the high level demanded which guides the company's quality and service approach: Under Process.